Bio-based and Applied Economics is a free-access on-line journal promoted by the Italian Association of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AIEAA). Although mainly devoted to scholars and well established researchers BAE also encourages submissions by young researchers, teams involved in ongoing research projects and also relevant actors in the field of bio-economy and related public policies.
BAE publishes contributions on the economics of bio-based industries, such as agriculture, forestry, fishery and food, dealing with any related disciplines, such as resource and environmental economics, consumer studies, regional economics, innovation and development economics.
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Aisthesis. Practices, languages and knowledge concerning aesthetics is a peer-reviewed international journal originated in 2008 from the “Seminario Permanente di Estetica” founded in 2004 in Florence by Fabrizio Desideri and Giovanni Matteucci. The journal publishes academic articles in Italian, English and French, book reviews and notices about conferences. It publishes two issues per year and contains a thematic section, a miscellany, notices and reviews. Each issue contains invited papers and contributed papers. There will be specific ‘Call for papers’ for contributed papers which will be subjected to peer-review.
Read the full press release for AISTHESIS