A very good year for Firenze University Press Open Access Journals
It has been a very successful year for FUP Journals, with several remarkable achievements that enhanced their standing and their capacity to communicate knowledge and ideas to researchers throughout the world.
The recent recognition of the high scientific profile of Aestimum and Aisthesis resulted in their inclusion in Scopus: an extraordinary step forward! This important milestone ensures that articles published in those journals are easily found when searching for land economics and aesthetics literature and enables authors to keep track of how often their articles have been cited by others.
Phytopathologia Mediterranea, in the category ‘Agronomy”, is one of the most relevant Open Access journals in the world: it is ranked as the third highest journals among the Open Access journals in its category. According to the Journal Citation Reports®, published by Thomson Reuters in June 2017, the new Impact Factor of Phyto is 1.255. Compared to last year, the IF has increased by 20,44%. Since 2017 it is a certified member of ReviewerCredits, that keeps track of all the performed reviews, assigns an index and gives tangible rewards.
Also Acta Herpetolgica has increased its Impact Factor by 30,80% and the 5-Year Impact Factor by 7,28%. It is ranked as the 12th highest among the Open Access journals in the category 'Zoology' in the world.
According to Scopus, Techne - in the category ‘Architecture” - is now the most distinguished journal in Italy and it is ranked 5th highest among the Open Access journals in the world for this category.
Aestimum, Aisthesis, Annali di Storia di Firenze, Cromohs, Lea, Phytopathologia, Reti Medievali, Scrineum and Storia delle donne, have been awarded the DOAJ SEAL. The DOAJ only awards the SEAL only to journals that comply with an extraordinary high level of publishing standards and best practice. We are so proud for such acknowledgement!
And last but not least, Substantia, our newborn journal, has exceeded all expectations, getting over 24.000 downloads in less than six months!