Studi di italianistica moderna e contemporanea nel mondo anglofono/Studies in Modern and Contemporary Italianistica in the Anglophone World

"Studi di italianistica moderna e contemporanea nel mondo anglofono/Studies in Modern and Contemporary Italianistica in the Anglophone World"

Series Editor
Joseph Francese (Michigan State University)
The series is intended for all readers with an interest in modern and contemporary Italian literature and literary theory. Each volume in the series will be aimed at a broad range of readers, from postgraduates to academics, to readers and critics with an interest in Italian literature and culture.

Editorial Advisory Board

Joseph Francese (Michigan State University)
Laura Benedetti (Georgetown University)
Joseph A. Buttigieg (University of Notre Dame)
Charles Klopp (The Ohio State University)
Marcia Landy (University of Pittsburgh)
Lucia Re (University of California at Los Angeles)
Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg (Brown University)

Annamaria Pagliaro (Monash University)

Zygmunt G. Barański (University of Cambridge)
Michael Caesar (University of Birmingham)
Fabio Camilletti (University of Warwick)
Derek Duncan (University of Bristol)
Stephen Gundle (University of Warwick)

Silvestra Mariniello (Université de Montréal)

Silvia Ross (University College Cork)
Rationale, Breadth and Scope
Since many of the most significant Italian writers and literary movements of the modern period have gone beyond national, linguistic, and disciplinary borders, the principal aim of series is to create a forum for work of the highest caliber that challenges the strictures of national, linguistic, and cultural borders, and engages in the comparative study of literary traditions from the Unification to the present. This series will support areas of study such as the avant-garde, modernism and postmodernism, literary theory, the international reception of Italian writers, the relations between literature and the other arts, and the impact of other discourses (philosophical, political, and scientific) on literature.

Quality Assurance
All submissions will be peer-reviewed by experts in the relevant field(s), and will also require approval by the Series Editor and Firenze University Press. The series’ Advisory Board, made up of scholars of international standing, will also be consulted as appropriate. The priority is to ensure that the series establishes itself as a benchmark in the field of modern Italian literary studies.

Potential authors should submit — to the series editor, Joseph Francese (see contact information below) — a cover letter that includes an abstract of approximately 200 words, a professional biographical note of approximately 100 words, and a statement that the work in question currently is not under consideration elsewhere. It should also distinguish between new and previously published chapters and apprise as to the copyright status of chapters already in print. Sample chapters from the work (if available) should also be sent electronically to the series editor as Word documents.

This series will offer a broad array of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches developed outside the specific Italian national context. It will enable dialogue between intellectuals and academics working in Italian studies in a global context and, thus, will provide a fecund site for comparing and contrasting the autochthonous national tradition and those of Anglophonic countries.

Subject Areas
Topics in Italian studies from the Unification to the present.

Contact Details
Joseph Francese
Romance and Classical Studies
B450 Wells Hall
619 Red Cedar Road
East Lansing, MI 48824 USA

About the Series Editor
Joseph Francese is University Distinguished Faculty and Professor of Italian at Michigan State University. He is also Senior Editor of Italian Culture (the journal of the American Association for Italian Studies) and has served on the PMLA Advisory Committee. He is the author of numerous articles and chapters on topics in Renaissance and contemporary literatures; and has written books on Pasolini, postmodern narrative, Italian cultural politics in the 1950s, the fictions of Eco, Consolo, and Tabucchi, and Sciascia (Firenze University Press, 2012). Vincenzo Consolo: gli anni dell’Unità (1992-2012), ovvero la poetica della colpa-espiazione is forthcoming with Firenze University Press. He has edited several volumes of collected essays, the latest being Perspectives on Gramsci: Culture, Politics, and Social Theory for Routlege (2009).